Halaman Terpenting!!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

StoneAge Records Update : [SAR_074].YK Decay - Rasah Do Cangkeman

Sebenernya awalnya materi ini itu diserahkan dengan perantara mas Wednes Mandra Asangata via sebuah percakapan di FB. Oh saya tau ternyata emang vokalis dari band noisy hardcore punk ini pura-pura introvert hahaha! Wokeh mungkin banyak yang bertanya tentang siapa band ini. Yak akan saya awali sebenernya band ini merupakan kumpulan anak jogja yang doyan maenin musik hardcore punk yang berisik menyinyit sampai ke kulit ala Fear, Flipper, dan sedikit Black Flag versi mabok.
Dan tema yang ditulis dari band inipun beragam dari topiknya sampe bahasanya! Untuk penggunaan bahasa sendiri sih ada beberapa track yang menggunakan bahasa jawa dan ini dapat menunjukan kalau bahasa jawa itu sebenernya sangatlah hardcore punk kawan-kawan, coba kita liat track-track sebagai berikut "Rempong Asoe", "Urepmu Ra Seru". HARDCORE PUNK SEKALI BUKAN!
Wokeh daripada mendengarkan ricauan liner note ini yang makin ga jelas, mari kita bisingkan tetangga dengan menyetel ini keras-keras di ruang tamu rumah!

Actually this materials are given by a Mandra of Asangata, who seems have a close connection to its member, via facebook. Probably the member of this noisy hardcore band pretend to be an introvert one #BitchPlease. Probably many from those of you haven't known this band yet. Ok I'll start to describe them as some teenagers who are really fancy into raw plus noisy thing so in this case they are now trying to elaborate them into a hardcore punk thing. And here it goes a speaker vandal hardcore tunes! So try to think it about Fear, Flipper with a noisy pissed off Black Flag. Not to forget about the theme written for the album has a vary subject and languages! And some of them using local javanese language. This rules to show hardcore punk javanese language could be. Go get your google translator for such tracks like "Rempong Asoe", "Urepmu Ra Seru". THAT IS REALLY HARDCORE PUNK FOR SURE. So if you guys thinking this writing is no more necessary (Cause yes it is) go get this release downloaded and get your neightbor pissed by tuning it loudly on your living room!

Download It Here

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