Halaman Terpenting!!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

StoneAge Records Update : [SAR_096].Coubiac - Jab

Yak! Kali ini rilisan kami datang dari negara Belgia. Ok Belgia sebenernya band saya taunya cuma Agathocles yang mungkin rela split dengan band di belahan dunia manapun (Kayanya kalo Ike Nurjanah ngajakan split dihajar aja kali ama doi #NgacoAja). Astaghfirullah kan ini saya bukan mau ngerilis Agathocles tapi kok malah ngomongin doi yo -_-
Woke rilisan yang datang dari aksi Punk'N'Roll asal Belgia ini, Coubiac, yang dimana nampaknya band ini sudah memiliki jam terbang tinggi sehingga pernah menjadi opening act band-band keren bangsa Kylessa, Circle Takes Square, ampe Iron Cross.
Wokeh sekarang kita akan membahas tentang musikalitas yang ditampilkan dalam EP ini #TsahElah #TumbenGayaDikitBahasanye. Wokeh track pertama dimulai dengan tembang berjudul "Control" yang bisa dibilang cukup panas untuk dapat membakar arena moshpit dengan tembang alunan hardcore berbalut blues ya bayangkan aja ketika Gugun N The Blues Shelter ngejam sama Kurt Balou (Ini ngetiknya di bawah pengaruh pasca minum obat flu bro ya jadi maklumin aja ya!). Woke track kedua yang berjudul "Jab" yang dimana tidak kalah chaosnya dengan track pertama tadi. Lalu track ketiga berjudul "Booze'n'Blues" yang cukup slow tapi enak buat yang ngebus (Baca : Nge-Booze). Lalu perjalanan ngebus (Baca lagi : Nge-Booze) dilanjutkan dengan track "Open Book" dan ditutup dengan tembang "Mountain of Flesh" yang cukup oke untuk jadi titik kulminasi menghabisi setiap sela yang ada di EP ini #Tsah #MAVTSEKALIBAHASAMU.Intinya apabila anda termasuk pengikut band-band heavy rock, hardcore + punk insya Allah akan klop dengan rilisan ini. Oh iya satu lagi yang cukup annoying itu sebnernya covernya (apabila anda berorientasi lurus ye ini! :D). Ya tapi apa daya abis gwnya juga yg mw rilis ya terima aja dari artisnya mw nya begono preng -_- !

Ok! This time the release comes from Belgium. Well not much more could be said that I only know Agathocles as band from Belgium which is really really humble for doing splits with any bands in any part of the world. Oh my God I'm not going to release an Agathocles release but why I talk about them! What a waste!
Ok this Belgium Punk'n'Roll act, Coubiac, seems like already had good times arround their active period. This could be prooved as they become an opening act for such rad bands like Kylessa, Circle Takes Square, to Iron Cross.
And now we're gonna talk about their music featured on the EP. First stop begins with a song named "Control" which could be said enough to burn out the moshpit with hardcore-blues atmospheric, lets think when Gugun N The Blues Shelter jamming with Kurt Balou (What@!#$! Ok!). The second track named "Jab" which is with the chaotic atmosphere as well. And the third track "Booze'n'Blues" which is slowly nice for your 'Booze' session. And this booze session repeat after the track "Open Book" and closed by "Mountain of Flesh" which is nicely fit to be a peaking point to wash out all the intensity on this EP.
If you love such heavy rock, hardcore+punk tunes, well could be said this EP fits for you guys. And one this which is pretty annoying for me as well (As I'm a Straight one) is the cover of this EP. But what can I say! This is one of the band wants so can't say "no" about it -_-!

Download The Album Here 

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