Halaman Terpenting!!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

StoneAge Records Update : [SAR_099].Swamp Squat - Grundle Abomination

Yak di bulan yang penuh berkah ini akhirnya bukan hanya 2 rilisan yang berhasil ditelurkan oleh netlabel reyot ini, tetapi tiga sodara-sodara! Dan apabila anda masih ngerasa kurang heavy dengan rilisan sebelumnya, kali ini kita tambah lagi dengan rilisan EP dari makhluk Crossover Thrash asal Indiana, Swamp Squat!
Sebenernya pas denger nama itu kebayang makhluk-makhluk rawa yang make kostum jaket jeans robek-robek full patch+kaos band metal maenin musik thrash metal di rawa-rawa HAHAAHA! #DihKetawa #DasarAneh.
Jadi dalam EP yang berisikan 5 lagu ini, Swamp Squat akan merepresentasikan kepada anda bentuk crossover thrash yang dengan kecepatan dentuman drum+picking gitar yang sonic ditambah keadaan pit yang dipenuhi para monster mabuk yang sibuk berpogo di circle pit! (Wes dapet nih kalimat lebaynya jo!). Sebenernya yang saya suka dari Swamp Squat ini adalah musik mereka yang straight faced crossover thrash tanpa banyak memikirkan pola struktur lagu (Yang penting kebut pokoke jo!).
Wokeh sebenernya emang sih liner note ini gak terlalu penting klo dipikir2 dibandingkan sama rilisannya HAHAHA! (Jiah malah ketawa doski) Tapi mendinglah daripada gak ada liner notes sama sekali buat hiasan ye gak! #BusetHiasan! Oke langsung aja disedot rilisan ini dan jangan lupa jangan keterlaluan moshing di kamarnya ya ntar batal puasa ye kan :p

Ok in this full of grace month, finally we can present you not only two releases but three releases in a row from this rotten netlabel ladies and gentlements! And if you still feel not heavy enough after the previous release, well now we present you an EP by Indiana Crossover Thrash creature, Swamp Squat!
Actually the first image after hearing the name itself, I was wondering of a bunch of swamp creatures wearing full patch jeans jacket plus with metal shirt inside playing thrash metal in the swamp HAHAHA! So in this five song EP, Swamp Squat will represent you the form of crossover thrash with the sonic speed of drum kicking and fast guitar riffs with the pit full of drunken swamp creatures doing pogo in the circle pit! Honestly what makes me fall for the band is they can compose of what can be said a straight faced crossover thrash without much thinking about the guitar techique and other things.
Probably this liner note is not as important as the EP itself LOL! But its ok at least we have this short writing than make it absence right! Oke straight your cursor to the download button and dont forget to not having much mosh cause it could harm your fasting day :p

Download The Album Here

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