Halaman Terpenting!!!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Interview with Summerman

Heyya! I'm finally get my way back to update this shitty webzine after having a full rest time for my gout problem lol! Yes I think I need moar time to mosh rather than working to overcome such problem lol. And this time I would probably say being an honour to me personally for having a chance interviewing one of my favourite Japanese band right now, Summerman!
I would like to express my gratittude as to Keisuke for being an assistance for this interview as, you know, I have no abilities for speaking Japanese! But Keisuke has become the bridge to overcome this problem, so THANKS KEISUKE! We're talking so much about Summer, name of the band, up to the Japanese gig habit of biking to the gig. So yes lets read the whole things below!

01.How you could come up with the name 'Summerman'?? Is it formed in the middle of summer??
Around the time we formed Summerman we're very much into Latterman so we just took man from them and we somehow like how "summer" sounds like and we thought making our own word by using these two would be cool. Our band name doesn't have any meanings by the way, and we actually started jamming in wintertime.

02.Do you think that summer season in identical for emo scene??
We all obviously like summer season and think it connects with emo in a way. But winter also makes us feel very nostalgic, too.

03.So what do you do while not in the summer?? (I mean like when the snow is falling and the weather is crazy cold). 
We play shows and make songs even in winter to be hoest. We are not the band that only exist for summertime haha.

04.I just heard that when Tirta, the bass player of Eleventwelfth, came to see one of your gig in Japan, he saw one of you carried your own gears like guitar, filters/effects, and amp using bicycle and trolley. And he said its a common practice there for any Japenese kids.
Okay the question is dont you feel so heavy with that?? How come you manage for carrying it flawlessly??
Well, we don't even know why actually haha. However, because the most popular transportions in Tokyo is trains so using trolley makes things a bit easier we suppose. It's so heavy of course but that's the best way possible many of us could think of.

05.You have three guitar player on the bands. Please tell me the story about it??
We formed this band just for fun in the first place so having three guitarist does not have any meanings either haha. 

06.Any kids would say 'You guys kinda remind me of Iron Maiden'?? Cause you know you have three guitarists
That's funny hahahah Nobody has ever said to us, we take that as a compliment lol

07.I saw the differences that on the latest album, fan, would be sound more melodious than the previous one. Would you be agree about it?? And please elaborate me about the song writing process for your second album, fan??
When we write "Temperature is...", we wanted to make something just sounds fun and just wrote as we felt like back then. We might be a little bit young. However, as for our latest album "Fan", we tried making something a bit different. And our good friend and engineer who's been with us since we formed, Rei, did a great job for these and we wanted to thank him. Actually the hardest part on Fan is putting out by ourselves and asking to sell them at record stores both we know and we don't know since its releasing process was entirely different with our first record.

08.Any plan for you guys to do abroad tour?? Probably Indonesia?? haha! Or you guys are deserved to play on a bigger gig like Fest in my oppinion.
We haven't played shows outside of Japan yet, however, if someone wants to bring us over somewhere we never played we would love to come play anywhere for sure! And of course we also want to play at The Fest one day, that's like a dream place for us.

09.I wanna ask about Super Capsicin. Is it the label that you guys run by yourself??
Yes it's just run by us. And so far Super Capsicin is just a record label for ourselves but hopefully we'll be able to put out something cool for someone else in the future.

10.One of my most favourite song is 'Winter Bargain'. Please tell me what this song is all about??
Hahaha thank you so much! I remember how hard writing our song Winter Bargain was. It took us more than a half year to finish writing this one. Like, while one of us has their way of view for how it wants to be, other wants to take it to entirely diffrent direction. So we're so glad to hear somebody who lives so far from us knows and listens to this song and actually liked it. We appreciate it.

11.Tell me about your oppinion about the so called fifthwave emo like Mom Jeans, Prince Daddy and The Hyenas??
Yeah, we like Prince Daddy and The Hyenas. And obviously Macseal is some of our recent favorites too. However, compared to those Algernon/Snowing-era we don't think there are many bands who kill it in the scene. Trends on these emo stuff seem to change quite often and bands/fans follow it as it goes. In our country does not follow this kind of trends so we sometimes feel jealous of it to be honest.

12.What is the first to come up when it comes to songwriting method to you personally, is it the music first or the lyrics comes first to your mind???
We write songs first then lyrics basically. Tomoya mostly, sometimes Naoki bring the ideas to the practice. And we just jam it over and over again and make it sound like a song and add some lyrics to them!

13.Any last words you would like to say...
We assume that many of you who read this have been to falls' Indonesian show recently. We've seen lots of photos, videos on the internet and even heard some cool stories from them directly. Hope we can come across to your beautiful country and people someday in the future. Thanks so much for reading this.

Summerman's Sites : 
Bandcamp - https://summerman1.bandcamp.com/
Website - http://summerman.info/
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/summermanband/

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