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Thursday, December 26, 2019

Records of The Year 2019

So! This year is the first year ever that this webzine turns into a total english-based webzine. Previously we have a thing so called 'Kisaran Pendengaran Rizkan' posted every year. And yes I have to change the name cause I would like to lol! Same rulz same shit to be posted and I guess this time I post mostly 2019's shit so yea this is the first year ever that this list is made to be relevant lol! So there you go sir...

Summerman - fan
I would like to reclaim myself as a fan of Tokyo emo scene since I have preety much bands to be adored from that place lol. Yes and one of them is Summerman! Well the first time I notice the band through their first full length ever put out on KilliKillaVilla 'Temprature Is'. And this second full length is totally got me a hook and this one is much better and much more melodious than the first one. Probably if you're the first timer to listen to this band, I would recomend you this album first rather than the first full length lol

Dowsing - Coffin Sky
So glad that finally this Chicago band returns! Yes Dowsing returns with another ass kickin full length entitled 'Coffin Sky'. Well comparing to the previous one that put out on the same label, Asian Man Records, this one is much more serious as I would say on a term of songwriting itself. Yes 3 years is a time worth to wait for after a break from the record entitled 'Okay'

Crossed Keys - Saviors
I'm the new listener for this band I admit but Crossed Keys is not a new kid on the block as being known several members are previously active or still active on several bands like Kid Dynamite, Zolof Rock & Roll Destroyer, R.A.M.B.O. etc. Crossed has brought a damn melodious yet personal lyrical based of melodic hardcore. YES! So if you're into such bands like Lifetime or Dag Nasty, well Crossed Keys is the thing you should take a notice to!

Apes of The States - Pipedream
Next one we'll have one of ur favorite folk punk collective that put out one of the loveliest full length this year! Yes Apes of The State is one of a hope rising well cause you know Plan-It-X has just shutdowned the whole godamn thing. 'Pipedream' to me personally is a savior that fill up 'the folk punk void' in my ears for a damn long time. Yes of course this is an essential folk punk record you should look up to on 2019!

Signals Midwest - Pin EP
So glad that this band finally put out a well executed EP! Yes I can say the songwriting for this Cleveland has greatly improve if you compare to their previous stuff. I can say the whole 6 songs on this EP is anthemic to every of it. Well I do have a great expectation toward the next thing to put out by the band!

Various Artists - 3 Way Split of without-Good Luck With Your Fun-A& Works
Well I just put out 2 releases from Japanese emo scene this year and I dont feel any guilty to it! This comp that put out by one of a Japanese label you should take a notice to named RAFT Records. Yes the label just put out an split EP between 3 bands that are worth to listen ; Without, Good Luck With Your Fun, A& Works. And I guess this split would take a mark as best catalogue for the label as I can say that the split is totally flawless in sound or the quality of the band on this split as well. And one of an important catalogue for the Japanese emo scene in my oppinion

Yawners - Just Calm Down
Okay whats new on my list is that we now have a Spannish band on the list! Yawners is a damn gewd Spannish band you should take a notice to. The latest full length 'Just Calm Down' has put a mark of the band's sound signature. Well you know its never been expected that a Spain indiepunk band would sound this good!

Knowhere/I Like Young Girl - Split Tape
Ah okay I just write out a local release this time and this time coming from Knowhere who just put out a split release with a Japanese band called I Like Young Girl! Knowhere has been ur favorite part of Jakarta scene today since they put out their debut EP entitled 'Pedestrian Life' and this time they put out a more kickin tunes for the split. And their Japanese splitmate, I Like Young Girl, who makes a fit in variable for this emotive indiepunk split release and they sound more indierock-ish this time. Oh ya I Like Young Girl just put out a new full length via Summerman's label, Super Capsaicin, and I havent listened to it yet :(

Gascoigne - Bond Electric
Next one we have one of ur favorite release coming from a local band named Gascoigne. I have to be honest that 'Bond Electric' is my first crush toward the band and I'm not a fan of 'Fagen Aint Fakin' lol but you know this time Gascoigne has done a much much better thing on Bond Electric. A better sound recording and much better songwriting and also this album has a unique bound from each songs on it. Well you're such a Pavement-Malkmus based indierock fans, Gascoigne is the band you should look up to!

itoldyouiwouldeatyou - Oh Dearism
Well I think this is the first time for me puttin in an epic sounded emo band on my list. Oh you must be a bit questioning 'What is so called epic sounded emo band??@#', well thats actually just a word that pop out from my head as listening to some bands like The World Is A Beautiful Place And I'm No Longer Affraid To Die, Crash of Rhinos, or Holding Patterns. This full length contains a well driven emotional songs and yes been targetting for this band since they put out several EP's before. So I'm not gonna lie that itoldyouiwouldeatyou's full length has made into my yearly toplist.

Lande Hekt - Gigantic Dissapointment EP
Lande Hekt is one of my most favorite songwriter ever and its not an overated thing if I put in her EP into my yearly list haha... Yes Gigantic Dissapointment has made a well executed path for her solo carreer in my oppinion. I love the drum sound on this EP cause it makes this EP much more 'humble' if you make a comparisson than any Muncie Girls' sound production which is much more well executed.

Macseal - Super Enthusiast
Macseal probably become an exception for me personally for not into the so called 5th wave emo. I know kids nowadays are much more into chiller stuff and this happens to emo as well. I dont know this doesnt fit me so much but Macseal is an exception! They'll still hook you up with an infectious melody on every song. Their full length, Super Enthusiast, is totally a masterpiece to lay on!

The Menzingers - Hello Exile
Menzingers returns this year! Cant be more excited than hearing The Menzingers put out a full length on 2019. So yes I dont care about the fifth wave emo, Replacement's emo shit is a real shit lol! The full length 'Hello Exile' has made a great comeback for the band since the last full length that put out on 2017. So why not putting this out on my toplist

Sarchasm - Beach Blanket Bummer Pop
Whats good from Asian Man Records is that Mike Park always make a bet of taking a younger roster on their list! Sarchasm has carried the torch for put out the next generation sounds for Asian Man Records. Now everyone shall take a notice for any bay area younger generations like Grumpster, Danger Inc, and Sarchasm for sure! 'Beach Blanket Bummer Pop' is an uplifting tunes and well executed one. The energy of this band kinda remind me of a younger version The Max Levine Ensamble

Big Nothing - Chris
Whats good from 2019 is Big Nothing put out a new full length! Yes this dream team band put out a very very well executed full length entitled 'Chris'. Well if you havent notice about who Big Nothing is, its Pat of Spraynard-Matt of Crybaby-Liz of Casual-Chris of Young Livers filling up the formation for the band. And yes the formation does make an impact toward the band quality this time lol! You cant say you wont have a great output cause three heads on your band are songwriters! I take the song called 'Sister' as the most favorite one on this full length and probably most favorite that the band ever write out lol

Notches - New Kinda Love
The full length 'New Kinda Love' from Notches is the thing I look up for or maybe not just me. I'm having a feeling that this would be the thing that much people look up for as well. As the previous full length, 'Almost Ruined Everything', has taken the band into a 'special place', well it wont be no suprise that 'New Kinda Love' is one of thing that everyone look up for after listening the previous full length. And yes the expectation is there and well contented, 'New Kinda Love' is well driven indiepunk tunes you should listen to!

Dangers of Love - Dangers of Love EP
Last list to make and I dont make them as an order one lol. Yes this time coming from UK lovely indierock outfit, Dangers of Love! Well after as the record heard for the first time and yes I can instantly recognize its Bob Barrett voices of Great Cynics on it! Dangers of Love is a band you should give some loves specially if you're into bands like Replacements and they just put out a lovely EP this year. YES I WOULD EXPECT SOME MOAR FOR THIS BAND IN THE FUTURE!

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