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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Album Review : Bad Moves - Untenable

Musician : Bad Moves
Album : Untanable
Date Release : June 26th 2020
Publisher : Don Giovanni Records

Ok ur next review stuff coming from the latest Bad Moves' stuffs and this probably this is the third thing we make a review for the band since the first self-titled EP on 2016 (Yea time flies by indeed). You it must be really tough to decide releasing any albums by the time of covid-19 era cause you cant just do a tour to promote the album and there are so much limitations streched out for the bands. So by this, I can say that Bad Moves got its guts for putting out their second full length in the middle of this pandemic time.

For those of you who havent noticed yet about who Bad Moves is, its Washington DC based band that is fronted by Katie Park, Emma Cleveland, Daoud Tyler-Ameen, and David Combs. The band in total put out one EP and two full lengths on Don Giovanni Records and probably some of you might notice the guy behind the band. Yes its David Combs who's been and did active on some musical projects such as Spoonboy, The Max Levine Ensamble, Somnia, etc. To date the band has managed to play on US and UK and made an appearance on Cartoon Network's 'Craig of The Creek'.
As musically can be described, I might say that the second full length has filled up my desire for what I've been expecting toward the band's would sound like in the future. IDK its just my feeling or any of you would dig this but the songwriting for this album feels more diverse if I could compare from their previous stuffs. You know I'm a bit suprise when I hear Katie does kinda rap 'Night Terror'. My hypothesis goes to the guy behind the recording panel who makes this all coming to real, Joe Reinhart. As we all know he is a cold handed guy who also been succesfully producing a band like Hop Along. Though some progression being made by the band but I can say that Bad Moves still features an ass kickin powerpop vibe on this full length.
This full length is out on CD's, vinyls by Don Giovanni Records and the album also available on many digital platforms like bandcamp, spotify, deezer, etc. You know though I know its fukked up time to be but I'm so grateful that some of my favorite bands put out a good records.

Sites :
Bandcamp -
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/badmovesdc
Twitter - https://twitter.com/badmovesDC

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