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Monday, September 21, 2020

Album Review : Bob Nanna - Celebration States

Musician : Bob Nanna
Album : Celebration States
Date Release : July 10th 2020
Publisher : New Granada

Ok the next album review coming from ur favorite musician plus could be said he's been categorized as a scene legend this day. Yes it is Bob Nanna everyone! Bob Nanna has been known for fronting many emo bands like Braid, Hey Mercedes, Lifted Bells, etc. Well I personally knowing Bob does a solo project is via his split with Into It Over put out by Evil Weevil Records on 2010.
It is confusing me at first actually, I mean he got The City On Film as a moniker before like why he uses his actual name on the next musical project. Probably everyone's is being tired of using moniker as their musical project, however it is its just a name and I dont pay attention too much about that kinda thing. As long as the music is good, thats all the matters lol.

I actually found out about Bob's band is Hey Mercedes. Yes it was Hey Mercedes' second full length 'Loses Control' reviewed by Punknews and I was like dont give a shit cause at that moment I was into many Fat Wreck's stuffs so much haha. Now time goes by, I'm an emo kid officially #WhatATimeGoesBy (Hey anyway how you got officially being claimed as an emo kid anyway?!).
It is exciting to know at first that Pohgoh owned label, New Granada Records, planned to put out Bob's full length July 2020. The full length 10 new tunes by Bob Nanna. Bob as usual has always a killer songwriting and you know it results differently if you take a listen a bit closer for his full band arrangement with the lonely acoustic version. Yes the stuffs on the album sounds so reflective and personal that I would recomend you to listen it on a quiet place or on a lonely nightdrive (Well I did this once lol). Bob still features a simple chords and melodies yet killer one put out on a repeat and in my oppinion that what makes 'Bob Nanna's Signature Songwriting' itself. 'Celebration States' is a fit in album in 2020, you know 2020 has been enough for its turmoil and this album is a 'meditation scoring' to me personally.
The full length is available on various colour of vinyl via New Granada Records and the LP is distributed on 3 different distros as well, Waterslide Records for Asian distribution and Thirty Something Records for Europe distribution. Also this LP comes up on various digital distribution outlets such as Spotify, Bandcamp, Deezer, etc.

Sites :
Bandcamp -
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/Bobnanna
Twitter - https://twitter.com/heybobnanna


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