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Reinkarnasi Chris Farren |
Akan berbincang lumayan banyak hal dari kabar doi (Anjir ini mah kek ketemu org di jalan), budaya blogwalking, ampe The Fest. Wokeh langsung aja dicek interpyunya di bawah ini samsung!
01.Pa kabar pakde?? Sehat??
Halo Rizkan. I'm in the middle of overwhelming shit right now. Please don't bother me.
02.Kenapa ganti nama dah jd Why Slackers??
SEO friendly lah. Tapi gak juga sih. Gak ada alesan apa-apa pak. cuma ngerasa lebih deket aja sama term slackers itu sendiri, yang mana gw cukup intens konsumsi segala macem hal remeh daripada menghasilkan uang. Tapi lebih mencerahkan sih kalau sekarang google why slackers dan pasti nemu artikel why slackers slack atau why slackers should be a slacker, atau why slackers will rule the world atau mungkin mengerucut ke film Linklater atau lagu Slack Motherfuckers. Sialnya gak ada blog gw di page pertama.
03.Kenapa milih 'http://medium.com '?? Menurut ente untuk seorang writer platform apa sih yang sangat baik digunakan ketika orang baru aja mw start nulis??
Awalnya sih nulis di tumblr dan itu asyik juga terlebih kalo lo ngebahas pop-punk dan wrestling karena audiencenya emang seumuran juga. Sering bgt ada band yang gw review ngirim DM ke gw, dari yang bilang makasih sampe kirimin merch dan surat dari Philly, ya it's Joel Tanenbaum of Plow United, such an awesome dude! Dan Tumblr di block ya? Parah juga sih ini. Padahal gw masih bisa akses pornhub or redtube tanpa vpn tapi tumblr gak bisa. dan klo google black cock juga masih keluar yg begituan. ironis. Tapi jauh hari sebelum diblock, gw tau medium, ini sih platform buat "intelektual" atau semacam social journalism dan bahas yg berat-berat. Gw gak tau itu awalnya. Tp yg gw suka di sini, gw bisa bikin publication page dengan layout yang minimalis, yang kalo buat orang yang males ngedesain web dan urusan sama html segala macemnya, sih ngebantu bgt. Tp sayangnya gw telat daftarin domain. Dulu itu gratis, sekarang setau gw harus bayar ke mediumnya selain biaya domainnya sendiri. Kalau mau nulis mah bebas, dimana aja, yang penting kontennya sih. Ok platform 101 nih, kalo wordpress benchmarknya coba cek wastedrockers, klo blogspot ya pasti radioheyhojkt, dan kalo facebook page, we have Deathrockstar.
04.Mengingat era digital yang udah menggeliat kyk Skynet, apakah nantinya menurut anda ini akan menyamarkan garis batas antara skena luar negri sm lokal??
Gw gak tau. sumpah. Tapi alasan gw pakai bahasa inggris atau banyak nulis bandi bukan karena itu. Sumpah. Lebih karena, they keep sending me the press release or free record to listen to. But I think the local scene also needs a publicist that represents them all the way. It's good for them to get noted by the worldwide interweb publications.
05.Untuk sebagian orang mungkin Tiny Moving Parts album terbarunya rada kurs, menurut anda apakah doi pada mengalami apa yang dinamakan 'block writing' alias rada mentok??
No block writing. TMP is the most productive and hard working ass right now, I respect that. Ini album yang oke buat gw, cenderung poppy and straightforward dan kerasa kayak blink-182 di era Tom dengerin Fugazi dan Mark pengen banget semua orang tau dia fans The Cure. It's ok for me, but for some it's like they disgust Dear you album.
06.Ane punya restriksi sendiri klo beli tiket 21 yang pelemnya nominasi oskar pasti akan saya saring 9 kali dulu untuk nonton tu pelem di bioskop karena trauma bakalan gak bisa 'ngunyah' tu pelem. Apakah anda tipikal orang yang demikian?? Jawab yang panjang ye!
Gw juga butuh waktu buat milih-milih film yg mau gw tonton di layarkaca21 atau torrent. Nonton film 1 setengah jam, milihnya bisa 2 jam sendiri. Tapi kalo di 21, gw udah tau mau nonton apa sebelum cabut sih. Kalo premisnya ok, ya pasti ceritanya menarik. My kind advice, stick to the premises. If you read a premise like it's a story about a dickless fish fucking a woman, it equals my head's gonna be blown off.
07.The Fest is much bigger year after year... Are you affraid that this will be another 'Warped Tour' to come?? HAHA!
Afraid so. in terms of headliners, it's fucking massive. They got pre fest also wrestling tournament. It's like warped tour for punks in the 90s. It's about fucking punk, punk, beers and a lot of punks there up on stage and pit. But not mohawk and spikes punk like you see in punk rock bowling or groezrock I guess. Everybody is talking about this fest, and it's the best one and I hope sponsors or brand activities don't change the atmosphere. We don't want fucking SXSW, where weirdos are trading business cards and eating tacos. But Riot Fest got you Jawbreaker and Cap n Jazz reunion, fuck that, The Fest forever! And recently I heard MPF in the UK is also notable fest. Anyway, RIP Warped Tour, you're not gonna missed. Perhaps Ronnie Radke will do.
08.Awesome Fest. What do you think??
Belum tau kalo ini. But I checked the headliner just now, guys who are obsessed with orgcore slash razorcake core bands, must be excited. They have Samiam, Iron Chic, Toys That Kill, and some new names like Odd Robot and my powerpop favourite The Chinchees (Everyone, please check their bandcamp) and yeah I'm so intrigued to check the band like Fuck You, Idiot. So I think it is rad. But it's also bullshit, we're all here dealing with Jakcloth, how about that?
09.Apakah blog surfing masih relevan di era Spotify kek skrg??
Sure Blogosphere and free streaming service/music platform are undisputed tag-team for me. Checking in some reliable and solid blog are always relevant. They give you a frame and notes to the unknown, noise or abstract work so we can get it or allow the artist gets you. For example, when the blog writer says oh this rad band is like Black Flag on Damage, you as a Black Flag fan who were so disapointed with their reunion without Rollins few years ago, feel like it's time to rise above and blast to this shit. Or you check some band on Spotify and want to learn more about them, you will find some dedicated blogger on the internet web provides you history, interview, influence, trivia and street-wise information about that band. They're doing the pro-bono for my education in arts and band history, which is super cool for me. Oh iya, kalo kata Lester Bangs, lo gak bisa kaya sebagai jurnalis musik, tapi lo bisa dapet album gratis, ternyata di 2018 yang ngasih record gratis adalah spotify dan bandcamp.
10.Bisa diceritakan seninya ntn gig brngkt make commuter??
Commuter tanah abang-pondok ranji is cool as shit. One time I sat next to the bunch of fucked up drunk boys (I can tell they got amer) and on my right side was a nice girl. So, those motherfuckers tried to get her attention by making noise or creepy looking. I was cought in the dillemma, trying to protect the girl as far as I could but I had to stop at Pondok Ranji. And I can't stop thinking about the girl after getting off. And yeah, at times, I have to make a crucial decision, see the last band on the bill or catch the last train.
11.Any future to be told for you or Why Slackers??
why slackers will rule the world.
Why Slackers Sites :
Blog - https://medium.com/whyslackers
Twitter - https://twitter.com/whyslackers
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