Halaman Terpenting!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2020

This Band Could Be Your Life : Sajama Cut

So I cant believe that I'm alive up to this second and still stand up on the ashes of post covid 19's new world order. Well I think I got depressed resulting write those desperate and dramatic words lol. Yes this time I would like to use a bit space of Radio Hey Ho! for paying a tribute one of my favorite band since high school, Sajama Cut. It was around 2002 or 2003 when I first listen to 'Less Affraid' airing on the radio. That was the time when 'Musisi Indie' term flourishing on this far east land, Indonesia.
Later fact to be laid, the single is featured on a national movie scoring, 'Janji Joni', which I might assume that this has aired Sajama Cut into every kids who's looking up into a new musical express. Well I am one of those! And up to this date probably Sajama Cut is one of the exponent that's been so influential to me and perhaps my songwriting. Well though 'Less Affraid' is not their first pitch on the musical industry, the band produced one DIY full length before entitled 'Apologia' and yes let say it again that 'Less Affraid' is the band's lucky charm lol.
'Apologia' as much as I can say is the album that contains so much energy. You know like as always been 'Young, Loud, and So Much Hate'. Definitely this is the band's most raw thing ever put, in my personal vision. Then we're moving to the next full length 'Osaka Journals' where you know it has put its milestone for the band's sounds. Let say there wont be the next one like 'Manimals' or 'Hobgoblin' if there isnt 'Osaka Journals' in between. What suprises me is that the band hooked a major label distribution for the first press of full length. Universal Music took a command for the national distribution of the album. The full length 'Osaka Journals' does not only put a milestone for the band's sound diversity but also putout the band on a different level at that time. I mean I believe not only indie kids at that time listening to this album but it has also put out the band on a national scale music map. Musically I can see an indierock perfection, as sound and its songwriting as well, and not a single oddities laid on the records. Yes it is simply the best records they ever made in my most humble oppinion.
The next full length, 'Manimal', is a stuff that drives the band into the next level musically. Like let say that those two earlier full lengths are stuffs mostly made by guitar-based songs and 'Manimal' is a different way. You can hear more explorations and experimentations on this one and it goes wilder than 'Osaka Journals'. Though I say that 'Manimal' is a record that has more exploration than 'Osaka Journals' but the third full length, 'Hobgoblin', is a record that put a perfection on 'Manimal'. There are some oddities revised through 'Hobgoblin' and you can hear a more soundscape exploration on this one and of course more odd instruments involved on this one.
I might say that the upcoming full length is an exciting stuff to hear as being said on a mouth-2-mouth news that this will be a full length written on Bahasa. Actually Bahasa written song is not a new stuff for the band but fully/mostly Bahasa based writing song is a thing that excites me about how the band would sound like. Dont get me wrong, I still hate a teaser lol.

Sites :
Bandcamp - https://sajamacut.bandcamp.com/
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/sajamacut
Twitter - https://twitter.com/marcelthee

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