Halaman Terpenting!!!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Album Review : As A Sketch Pad - As A Sketch Pad

Musician : As A Sketch Pad
Album : As A Sketch Pad
Date Release : May 26th 2020
Publisher : Self-Released

Yea its been a damn long time for me not updating this rotten music blog and its been a damn rough weeks for me as well. So on this a bit chiller time I've kept As A Sketch Pad EP on my draft for 4 weeks or moar I guess lol and finally got my ass seated to write down about this multinational music project who just put out their first EP.
As the story goes and been told by an internet friend, Keegan, As A Sketch Pad is another twist plot by Worst Party Ever guy who got locked up on this fukked up pandemic age meeting some likeminded emo kids like Kou Kanagawa, who previously been known as a figure who's beating hard on drumset for a phenomenal Japanese post hardcore band called Sans Visage.
Well you know Worst Party Ever has caugFaht my attention since their last stuff to put out on No Sleep Records, Here Online, and voila some day in the pandemic age Kou's twitter account got me a notification about his recent project with another Worst Party Ever guy. There on, I was really exciting about the project and having a positive mind.
Though you know its Worst Party Ever guy project as I told you before but I found a differences between As A Sketch Pad and Worst Party Ever. This one sounds more emo-ish as I might said as Worst Party Ever contains a more indierock driven vibe. You can hear a bit of twinkle guitar work for this one but you know I love the synthesizer sounds being attached on some songs like 'Private Message' and 'Knife Attack'. This introduction EP contains four songs and yes I expect moar stuff to put out by this band and unfortunately this EP has no physical version but this one is available digitally anywhere.

Sites : 
Bandcamp - https://asasketchpad.bandcamp.com/
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/asasketchpad
Twitter Page - https://twitter.com/asasketchpad

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