Halaman Terpenting!!!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Free Streaming : Gale Boetticher - Self Titled

Ur streaming stuff is now coming from new Imakinn Records' stuff, Gale Boetticher! So probably there are any of you asking who the hell this band is?? Its a new project formed by the ashes of Sapporo punk bands like The Sleeping Aides & Razorblades, Overhead Kickgirl, & The Roofdogs. Well as we know those band has different based kind of sound and Gale Boetticher has been succesfully made union representative sounds from those the member went from. Let say if you love Superchunk with a more melodic punk sensibility, this one fits for your ear I would recomend. The record is out via Imakinn Records on 7" and it is made to be sold digitally on bandcamp as well!

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