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Thursday, August 6, 2020

Album Review : Jenny Genius - Jenny Genius EP

Musician : Jenny Genius
Album : Jenny Genius EP
Date Release : July 3rd 2020
Publisher : Self-Released

Ok ur next review stuff coming from A Connecticut based band called Jenny Genius! Yes fucking exciting for suddenly to know that this band just put out a new EP YAY! You know actually since my first post about the band awhile ago I was a bit skeptic that the band will go any further producing any releases like EP or Full Length, though I eventually get it wrong (YES FORTUNATELY).
I cant remember in details about how I get into this band but for certain that this band has only bandcamp account and it is pain in the ass to know more about the band! I'm not joking it is pain in the ass to find further infos about this band with browser. All I can find is a facebook RSVP of bands performing and ah yeah I almost forget to say that on the caption saying that the band features the member of Spit-Take. Thankgod for the only info I got lol. And yeah I found the band's pictures playing on a Jabber's gig tour. Oh mine I do need some more infos about this band lol.
This mini album contains 7 short plus sweet tunes and yes the mini album features songs that being posted on their previous demo. Also I love about how the album sounds, yes its an indiepop tunes wrapped out on raw sounds and yes that thing rulz so hard and also becoming the thing about why you should checkout this band. Musically I can describe the band has represented perfectly of an ass-kickin indiepop songwriting. Well if you love some bands like Tigar Trap, Go Sailor, Gaze, and any other Rose Melberg's musical project. Yes been pretty long time I havent found any good bands comparing to any acts like Beny The Jet Rodriguez, Joyride, or Sourpatch, so when I found this band for the first time its like finding an oasis when you're dying in the middle of desert (Well I know I'm being overated for this but FTW).
Anyway the EP is available on casette tapes as I can see from its J-Card cover on bandcamp and I think that the tapes are available to be sold by contacting each members whom none of them I havent been friend with on the facebook lol. And dont worry its available to be purchased on bandcamp only. Though I can die peacefully now but you know I do expect some moar stuffs to be produced by the band :(

Sites :
Bandcamp - https://jennygenius.bandcamp.com/

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