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Si Neng Erin Lagi Maen Gitar di Sun Puddles |
1. Hello Erin. How are you doing and how's life? - Life is ok. Hope you are well!
1. Neng Erin. Piye kabare toh? Ok masbro akue wesewesewes bablas angine. Kowe ok juga toh!
2. Could you please tell us about the Sun Puddles' album production progress? – Wow, quite a question. I’ll try and answer the best I can. Basically, we recorded the music for our yet to be released lp in february 2012 at the loft in new brunswick, nj. With the help of Mark Bronzino, recording engineer extraordinaire, we were able to get all the drum tracks done in 1 long day, and the bass tracks and guitar tracks done the next day. We met again the following weekend and got the rest of the guitar tracks down in one day. Life happened and it took us awhile to get together to do vocals, but we wound up getting those done in 2 days. So, it took us 4 days to get all the tracking done which was over a course of a couple months. I believe it took us a day or two for mixing, and now we are just waiting for the mastering to be completed. Everyone is super busy and HOPEFULLY we will have a finished product soon. Sorry, I am terrible at describing the process. I apologize!
2. Jadi gini neng Erin. Kan ente mau ngerilis album Sun Puddles tuh begimane nasibnye tuh album? Iye nih bang. Sebenernya sih kite kite sih udah nyang namanye ngerekam tuh album pengennye sih rilisnye kite mah mbulan pebruari 2012 direkaminnya entu di loteng daerah new brunswick, NJ (Ini baru betawi keren!). Jadi kita entu tuh dibantuin ama abang Mark Bronzino, wah ajib dah bang doi tangannye dingin udah ibaratnye masak doi mah rudi choirudinnye bang! Jadi prosesnye tuh kita tuh ngejedug satu hari ngerekam buat gebukan drum doang baang, bujud dah asli gempor bang ngegebuk drum seharian la kita mah biasa ngegebuk rebana gitu. Terus ngerekam gitar ama bassnya besokannya. Cuma sehari bang ngerekamnye bass ama gitar. Udah kaya jago beud dah ngerekam cuma sehari doang bang asli! NAH udah entu kita ngerekam suaranye dah hihi maklum dah biduan mah bang jadi ngerekamnye 2 harian kita mah #TsahElahMpok. Jadi bang entu lagu-lagunye mah istilahnye kita mah 4 hari doang gitu nyelesein ngerekamnye ajib bener dah ah! terus tuh si bang mark entu ngemixingnye ada kali dua harian mah bang. Nah sekarang kite nunggu si abang mark nganggur lagi aja ini buat mastering bang. Ya gitu dah sekarang kan pada sibuk juga. Saya gawe ini ama anak2 terus ngurus laki juga bang... Kesian entu minta dikelonin mulu asli. Maap maap kate nih yeh kalo rada ngaco hihihi...
3. Many people knows that you used to play bass on Full of Fancy and now drumming-guitar player for Sun Puddles, what makes you wanna all those instruments? – I have always been very passionate about music and have always enjoyed learning as many instruments as I can. It’s just really fun to switch it up and try something new. Instruments I’ve played in the past and present: violin, cello, viola, double bass, flute, piccolo, clarinet, keyboard/piano, guitar, bass, drums, mellophone, trumpet, ukulele, kazoo, and voice. Of course, I am better at some instruments than others. I always wanted to play drums so it’s a dream come true to finally be doing that.
3. Jadi gini neng sebenernye aye juga tau nih ente kan maen di orkesnya namanye Full of Fancy maen bass terus sekarang di Sun Puddles maen gitar ama drum. Kok jabrah beud sih neng ampe semua dipegang gitu #ApaanTuhYangDipegang (Jabrah merupakan kosa kata betawi udik bekasi yang artinya centil/ga bisa diem/ganjen) ? Hihihi... Iye bang tau aje ane kan mah penasaran aja gitu ama maenin alat alat musik gitu bang. Kayanye asik aje gitu kalo maennya gonta ganti mulu (NAH LHO APANYA TUH YANG GONTA GANTI #NgeresGakJelas). Ane sih doyannya maen beginian bang biar dikata jabrah juga ah #TsahElah : violin, cello, viola, double bass, flute, piccolo, clarinet, keyboard/piano, guitar, bass, drums, mellophone, trumpet, ukulele, kazoo, ama doyan nyanyi juga bang gitu #MataKedipKedip (Buset neng Tanjidor gak sekalian!). Ane mah bang kadang maen juga kaga semua jago gitu cuma beberapa aje ama doyan juga ngegebuk drum ya jadi gitu dah bang isitilahnye kaya mimpi siang bolong aje gitu bisa maen drum drum an (Iye dah neng Erin).
4. Well after listening to Full of Fancy albums and compare with your late project, Sun Puddles. I feel differences in lyrics writing. Is that true? If it is please tell us? – Yes, I would say there is a difference, although it’s just because I wanted to challenge myself and well, I am happy and in a relationship with a wonderful person so I can’t really sing about heartbreak anymore. Not to say all full of fancy songs were about heartbreak, but a lot of my songs were. I just feel like I wanted to write about other things and so I did. Some inspiration has come from books, others have just come from life experience, and others are collaboration with other bandmates just trying to write the nuttiest things we can think of.
4. Iyeh nih neng Erin jadi ane tuh ngedenger situ waktu di Full of Fancy ama Sun Puddles tuh ada beda beda gimana gitu yah dari galav galav liriknya neng. Yah tapi yang pasti gak segalav andika kangen band juga kan #GakJelas. Tapi emang ada bedanya neng? Iye bang emang bener ane buat beda bang. Sebenernya sih cuma pengen ngetes sendiri aja bang gitu #TsahElahNeng. Selaen entu juga bang kan ane udah bahagia gitu deh bang ama laki ane sekarang ama si abang Martin #KedipanGenit1000Kali (Tsah Elah Neeeeeeeeng). Jadi gitu deh bang kan ane udah kaga kaya dulu udah kaga bisa nulis lagu yang galau galau an lagi deh baaaang... #JabrahBeud. Tapi kaga artinye bang semua entu lagu lagu Full of Fancy galau semua baang... Tapi emang banyak aja yang begono. Ane sih sebenernya sih bang maunya nulis tentang yang laen laen aja gono kaya nulis lagu dari buku ato kehidupan sehari hari ama syering ama anak2 nulis yang gokil gokil aja gitu bang (Tsah elah neng Erin gaul beud bahasanye GOKIL!).
5. Do you have any Asian favourite food? What is it? Hmmm…I like a lot of different Asian food. One of my favorites is thai shrimp in red curry with a delicious thai iced tea to wash it all down!
5. Neng kalo makanan asia si eneng yang paling didoyanin apaan sih neng? Wah bang banyak bang ane mah. Jengkol mentah aja doyan (Ini lebay masbro! Sumpah demi asli!). Ane sih doyannye ama udang kuah kari gitu bang ama teh thailand buat minumnya. Asoy dah bang!
6. Mention the top five american fast food that Asian should eat? Haha great question! Some of my favorites are Taco Bell, Five Guys Burgers, Moe’s Southwest Grill, White Castle, MacDonald’s.
6. Neng kalo si eneng sebutin dong 5 makanan fast food paling paporit biar kite kite suruh makan begono? Wah bang manteep nih pertanyaannye! Noh ane kasih ye bang Taco Bell, Five Guys Burgers, Moe’s Southwest Grill, White Castle, MacDonald’s.
4 Sehat 5 Blenger |
7. Neng di kampung neng pasti banyak band yang keren tuh yak. Bisa sebutin kaga neng nyang kudu kite denger nih? Deuh bang nih puter nih nih band dijamin bujurnye langsung kaga nahan mau geyol geyol : Tiny Teeth, Brick Mower, Black Wine, Night Birds, Screaming Females, and Melissa & Paul.
8. I heard that you have other projects than Sun Puddles right now, could tell us what are those? – I am in another band called Les Trois Chaud in which I play bass and sing. We are sorta americana meets motown maybe? I am the worst at explaining genres, but you can check it out at www.lestroischaud.bandcamp.com. I am also in a recording project with my boyfriend called Clever Girl in which I play guitar, bass, drums, and sing. We switch up instruments between the both of us for each song. You can check it out at www.clevergirlnj.bandcamp.com.
8. Neng katenye entu ngeband kaga di Sun Puddles doang kan yeh, lha terus ngebandnya dimana lagi neng? Iye bang ane juga punya band namenye Les Trois Chaud, ane maen bass ama nyinden bang di sono #TsahElahNeng. Maenin americana yang nyantol ama motown gitu deh bang. Bisa dicek nih bang orkes ane di sini www.lestroischaud.bandcamp.com. Ane juga punya band ama laki ane #Kedip1000Kali namanye Clever Girl bang. Ane maenin gitar, bass, drum, ama nyanyi (Bujud neng! Terus cowonye megangin ape? Sendal gitu?). Iye bang kadang nuker juga gitu maennya. Dicek aje bang band mesra ane di www.clevergirlnj.bandcamp.com
9. Are you agree that Fall Out Boy is a band which is made after listening to Lifetime's album? I only know one fall out boy song and I would say that they sound nothing like Lifetime. They definitely came way after Lifetime though.
9. Neng kalo ente kata Fall Out Boy entu band nyang dibentuk gara-gara orkes lifetime kaga? Yak elah bang ane aja cuma tau atu doang lagu Fall Out Boy bang... Jauh bang si Fall Out Boy mah. Ibaratnye Primus sama Mandra gitu (Itu mah neng bukan beda level lagi tapi beda spesies! #pissAh #Becanda).
10. Mention us three words you would like to say after hearing these words: Jersey Shore – Want to Vomit.
10. Neng coba sebutin tiga kata abis denger ini "Jersey Shore"? MUNTAH KADAL BIAWAK!
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Bali (Bahan C*li) : Jersey Shore |
11. Neng ada kata-kata terakhir yang mau diomongin kaga? Iye bang ane seneng bener udah diinterpyu! Makasih beud ya bang hihihihi (Jabrah beud sih neeeng).
Ya mungkin segitulah sodara sodara interview yang ditranslate oleh mahasiswa jurusan sastra betawi udik. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat dimengerti (Bisa dimengerti aja udah sukur kan ASLI!).
Sun Puddles' sites :
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/sunpuddlesband
Bandcamp - http://www.sunpuddles.bandcamp.com
Full of Fancy's sites :
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Full-of-Fancy/20827710605
Myspace - http://myspace.com/fulloffancy
Clever Girl's sites :
Bandcamp - http://clevergirlnj.bandcamp.com/
Les Trois Chaud's sites :
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/lestroischaud
Bandcamp - http://lestroischaud.bandcamp.com/
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