Halaman Terpenting!!!

Friday, October 4, 2019

This Band Could Be Your Life : Toys That Kill

OK after a damn long time not writing for this section, finally I'm here to lay my ass off writing for Toys That Kill. Yes this time I would like to give a space for one of my favourite and inspirational band ever, Toys That Kill. Well actually I'm not an 'old listener' to this band, in fact I just noticed the band and Recess itself as in the cause I viewed so much recorded gigs on VLHS. Funny to know as well and I'm not the person who is discovering FYP-Then-Toys That Kill. I'm in the reverse one lol.
Well as the first timer listening to Toys That Kill, I was like 'damn they play kinda weird things', I mean this one is kinda different for what being stated as punk or garrage itself. I love the tunes, I love its weirdness, and I think I'm not insane as there are few persons who takes a crush on their sound as much as I do. I can say that FYP is just changed its name to Toys That Kill and still up to this second I wonder why Todd did so. I know he's kind of person who always taking easy on anything, except being assripped by No Idea lol. Or just maybe FYP is much more hardcore punk thing than Toys That Kill which can be heard Toys That Kill has much more melodies than FYP itself. Though we all know that Todd later on establishing few projects like The Underground Railroad To Candyland which emphases a much more surreal sound than Toys That Kill or going weird all the way like any Todd Congelliere solo albums.
To date the band has produced 5 full lengths and numbers of splits and EPs on much label like Asian Man Records, Stardumb, Dirtnap, Razorcake, etc. And touring to Japan once and several places on Europe. And on the recent news Todd now is doing another project with the legendary Mike Watt of Minutemen named after Jumpstarted Plowhards which to be certain to be put out by recess.
Actually I really hope that this band is sooner will have any materials to be put on (Well you know since Todd has so much musical project beside Toys That Kill itself nowadays and I'm expecting any full lengths to be produced honestly since the last one to put out on 2016 'Sentimental Ward'). Toys That Kill and Recess Records with its working ethos have actually put punk rock into the next level. This one is one of a band I should watch before I die and before Todd is way too old for touring.

Sites : 
Twitter - https://twitter.com/toysthatkill
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/toysthatkill/

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