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Friday, July 12, 2019

Album Review : Personal Best - What You At

Musician : Personal Best
Album : What You At
Date Release : June 14th 2019
Publisher : Dovetown Recordings / Sheer Luck Records

Okay the next stuff we're gonna writing of is a new album by one of my favorite band, Personal Best. And I already talked about the long waiting thing for Adult Magic's full length and accidently this happens to this lovely UK band as well... It was the power of bandcamp and internet the thing the got me introduced for the first time to Personal Best though I'm not the early fan to the band. It was the great Arnos Vale that got me hooked up into their sound for the first time and later on this band introduce me to other of their labelmates like Muncie Girl, The Great Cynics, Caves, and yes just because this band appears to my radar this becomes an introduction to me to Specialist Subject as well.
It takes actually a pretty long time if you count it from their debut full length 'Arnos Vale' up their recent full length to put out 'What You At'. Its 4 years in the making haha! But the good thing is they dont take the phase as a stagnancy phase and this is proven by tours, splits, and single to produce on those length of time. By those length of time as well the band has gone through changes on lineup as well. We all know that Lou used to be on the band banging on drums and the band has a more compact lineup to date with Katie Gatt on guitar+main vocal, and as long as I know the she's the songwriter for the band, El Morgan on the guitar, and she's an sound engineer for Southsea Sound, and Jason Cavalier on drums, who I know him having another side project under a moniker called Crushing.
And I guess the changing lineup might have an impact toward the band sounds and if you compare for this full length than 'Arnos Vale', well seems like the band has taken a big step through this one. As you can hear the 'Arnos Vale' sounds are more a straight forward jangly yet melodious indierock that been blended into a powerpop spice. Well I tell you to not expecting the same sound as you will hear on the second full length. 'What You At' will take a you into a more conceptual stuff that Personal Best has ever done on their recent carreer. Classic Rock is a fitting main line that could bridge for what they will present to you on their second full length. And this doesnt mean that you will lose their melodious part that they put on 'Arnos Vale, lets take songs like Everyday She Kills Me, Jennifer (Oh damn this song is totally lovely! Love the melody for this one), and the uplifting track entitled Radio, that would probably will take your heart apart for this album,
The band has taken a new step by putting out the album on Dovetown Recording, a collective innitiated by the Doveton sister (Jennifer and Harriet of Colour Me Wednesday), and Sheer Luck Records for the US distribution. This album is also out anywhere digitally ; Bandcamp, Spotify, Deezer, etc. 

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